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SriramRaj Blog

How to turn Good mornings into Gold mornings

When i heard about this lines “How to turn Good mornings into Gold mornings” i went back to my childhood days , i still remember how my grand mother used to wake me up early in the morning and make me ready for the school, she always used to teach the importance of planning and time in life and used to tell me “how much money you spent, the time never comes back so live your every moment of your life” , whenever i feel like postponing of work i recollect my grandmother’s words and complete the work as much as possible.
how to turn good morning to gold morning
For me every morning is a gold morning, i love to wake up early in the morning , brush my teeth with colgate tooth paste and recently they introduced “Colgate 360 Charcoal Gold tooth brush” #Colgate360GoldMornings which is working far better than regular tooth brush ,take a jog listening to music, chitchat with friends, have a hot coffee, light oil free breakfast and reach office as early as possible, i usually make my things ready one day before so i don’t find difficult to carry all the things that are required this make my day go stress free and helps me to concentrate more on my work. I believe that if we wake up early in the morning and take a small walk, it keeps you feel fresh all the day and believe me this works, one research says that people who wake up early in the morning are productive in their work.

So in my view every morning can be a Gold morning when we plan everything a day before, according to our needs for example, we can prepare the things ready that we need to take tomorrow which includes pressing the dress, charging the laptop etc., then our day goes good and we also be stress free when we plan everything. So please share your views as well regarding, How you turn your Good mornings to Gold mornings .


I am Sriram, Software Engineer and blogger. Writing is my favorite hobby and I love writing on travel, technology and social media. Get some cool stuff in my blog on how to use Internet effectively.

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