5 essential blogging tips for newbies
Blogging is my hobby and I love writing on various topics. After three years of experience in blogging, here are few tips to the new bloggers who are looking to manage their career online.
5 Useful Blogging Tips for Newbies

Creative Blog
Blogging is a hobby for many people while there are some professional bloggers who earn 1000$ to 5000$ a month blogging. You can read the article Top 10 Blog Earning sites for bloggers which gives you an understanding on how effective blogging is to manage your career online. However it needs lot of dedication and hardwork to become a successful blogger.
Build your own brand

Build your brand
Well many ask me why do i need a website if i am writing a blog? why should i purchase a domain name? Blogger and wordpress provides me for free then why I should spend money for website and hosting? Well simple reason is to develop your own website brand name and maintain authority online.
In my initial days, I used to write a blog on my experiences on earning money online. Mainly people ask for payment proofs, is legit or spam etc. But writing all these in blogger blog is against Google’s policies and they closed the blog without any reason. As I have not taken backup, all my articles are lost and my authority became zero.
So after that I have decided to build my own blog and moved to self hosted wordpress. This gives me to install various applications, know about website design.
Write Quality and Unique Content
Write articles which are useful for people and which shows your expertise. If your blog is personal blog, then you can write on personal topics.
But for a professional blogger, you should write on specific topics and also make sure you are giving enough information for user which make them visit your site back.
Use High Quality Images

Love My Blog
Images make your articles more readable and interesting. Images are very important to showcase what you meant to say. Use high quality images from photo agencies like depositphotos which brings more visibility for your articles. You can get some free photos here : http://depositphotos.com/free-
Write Consistently
To maintain authority online, write consistently. You can write 10 articles per month but write one every two or three days which makes your blog readers to visit your site consistently.
Remember to use applications which help your readers to share content in social media as it is very important for improving your website or blog rankings.
Build your readers

Blogging Design
Even though i wrote this last, it is the most important thing for every blogger. Readers should be interested to read about your blog again. Don’t make them feel bored. Give some goodies, organize contests and make them engaged.
Do share if you have any more interesting tips to share.
Photo Credit: http://depositphotos.com